A Voice to the Gentile Church is a program discussing current events with audience questions from a Biblical perspective. We produce a video webcast most Wednesdays and it is posted on buildupzion.org by Wednesday evening. It is also regularly available on our Vimeo and YouTube channels. If you enjoy what you experience, please subscribe to our channels on either or both locations to ensure weekly access to our posts. [Read more…]
The Judean Experiment: Debut with Rabbi Jeremy & Tehila Gimpel
Guest Podcast from TheLandofIsrael.com
We’d like to share this outstanding podcast from Rabbi Jeremy and Tehila Gimpel. Witness the life of faith our friends have chosen to live in the Judean desert. We praise God for His goodness!
Celebrating 1 year at the Arugot Farm, join Jeremy & Tehila on their harrowing journey to the Judean Mountains to settle these strategically critical & historic mountains.
Tune into their story and hear how they faired raising six children alone on a farm under construction in the most contested real estate in the world bringing life back to the mountains of Judea.
With a year behind them, what’s next?
Originally published on http://thelandofisrael.com website. Used by permission.
Comfort & Shalom – “A Walk in Faith”
Putting our love for God’s people into action…
For the past 13 years, the members of Fellowship Church have worked alongside the [Read more…]
What’s So Important About Jerusalem?
On 9 Av 586 BCE/BC, Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon destroyed the city of Jerusalem and the First Temple. Over 50 years ago, on June 7, 1967 (28 Iyar 5727), during the Six-Day War, Israel regained control of biblical east Jerusalem, including the Temple Mount. [Read more…]
Sunday Adult Bible Study
SUNDAYS 9:15 – 10:15 AM – BUILDING 2
Join us every Sunday at 9:15 a.m. for an adult Bible class taught in our education building. The material has been designed to aid the believer and provides a foundation for a better [Read more…]