We are approaching that time of year when Christians and non-Christians alike participate in the celebration of the holiday called Christmas. According to Christian tradition, it is the day on which the Messiah was born. Is this day truly the birthday of the Messiah? Are we commanded to celebrate His birth? [Read more…]
The K’dumim Project: “Confirming the Promises”
We at Fellowship Church believe that it is the responsibility of the local church to encourage Jewish life throughout Israel, and especially in Jerusalem, Judea and Samaria, Israelâs Biblical heartland. [Read more…]
Hanukkah, Feast of Dedication
The eight day festival of Hanukkah will begin this year at sundown on December 14th, (25th day of Kislev). Most Christians have little appreciation for the festival of [Read more…]
Jesus and His Church
One of the most fundamental concepts to understand concerning Jesus and His Church is that the local church is the vessel through which the Messiah is manifested in the world. Thus Jesus is mystically manifested in every community in the world where a local church exists. Indeed, a local church with [Read more…]