THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 2025 AT 6:30 PM
Fellowship Church invites the Christian community to its Annual Passover Seder. Participants will learn of this most pivotal Feast of redemption that foretold–and now memorializes–our Savior’s atoning sacrifice. In celebrating this feast, you will come to understand the importance of the Biblical festivals, as they all point to our blessed Savior and His redemptive work (see Lev. 23).
Join us as we commemorate* this most significant Biblical event, and learn why believers in Messiah Yeshua should celebrate it in their homes as commanded in the Scriptures. Ticket sales close at midnight April 6th.
$20/Adult (ages 13+) & $12/Child (ages 3-12) includes dinner (lamb roast, vegetables, matzo ball soup), dessert, non-alcoholic beverage (grape juice), ceremonial foods and elements. No tickets will be sold at the door.
Doors open at 6:00 p.m.Â
Option #1: Pay Now. To make a reservation, click on the “Reserve & Pay Now” button below. There is a service and processing fee when reserving online through Eventbrite. Online ticket sales end at midnight, April 6th.
Option #2: Pay by Mail. Call (407) 699-1011 or email our reservation team at seder@fcws.us
Include the name and number (#adults; #children) in your party. Mail** a check to Fellowship Church, 5340 Red Bug Lake Rd., Winter Springs, FL 32708. Make checks payable to Fellowship Church.Â
Option #3: Advance Pay in Person. You may bring cash or a check directly to our church office**. Include the name(s) of your party, number attending and total amount. ($20/Adult; $12/Child) Make checks payable to Fellowship Church. Please be aware that NO tickets will be sold at the door the day of the event. Tickets must be purchased in advance.
**All seats must be paid in full by April 6th in order to confirm your reservation. If you are unable to attend the event, please notify us as soon as possible so that we might make those seats available to others. Note that all reservation payments are non-refundable, but transferable to another friend or family member.
Special Needs
If you have any special needs or requests (e.g., Use of a wheelchair, visual or hearing impaired, food allergies) give us a call. Please note we may not be able to accommodate every request.
Any questions – please call us at (407) 699-1011 or send an email to seder@fcws.us
*This is a teaching event. The actual celebration of the Lord’s Festival of Passover (Pesach) will be observed beginning at sundown on Saturday, April 12, 2025 and continues for seven days with the Feast of Unleavened Bread through April 19, 2025 at sundown. We encourage as many as possible to celebrate this festival in your own homes on the appointed date.
“Now this day shall be a memorial to you, and you shall celebrate it as a feast to the Lord; throughout your generations you are to celebrate it as a permanent ordinance.” Exodus 12:14