Many today experience great difficulty in grasping the real roots of their faith. Few understand the relationship between various sections of the Scriptures such as the Torah, the Writings, the Prophets and the Messianic Gospels. There is little understanding among believers as to our role with God’s ancient people, Israel. The doctrines set forth by the institutional church leave much to be desired and in many cases are patently unscriptural.
How can we overcome these problems? Jesus said, “Is this not the reason you are mistaken, that you do not understand the Scriptures, or the power of God?” (Mark 12:24 NASB) Only by a systematic and comprehensive study of all Scriptures can we be confident of our understanding of what God is doing. Such understanding coupled with a Spirit-filled walk in the Lord enables the believer to become truly fruitful.
The objective of The Tzemach Institute for Biblical Studies is to assist the Spirit-filled believer in attaining a comprehensive and practical knowledge of the Scriptures. In doing so the student is prepared to become a living sacrifice to God. The student that has completed the Two-Year, Comprehensive Bible Survey Course should be able to teach confidently from any portion of the Scriptures, to develop lesson plans on any Biblical topic, to develop an individual system of Biblical teaching and, in general, relate the wealth of knowledge, wisdom and revelation found in the Scriptures to specific counseling situations.
One final objective of the Survey Course and the Institute in general is to help believers relate properly to Israel. We live in a very significant era when God has regathered His people into His land. For the first time in centuries the Jewish people have conquered their land, Eretz Israel, and their city, Jerusalem. Most church doctrines essentially eliminate Israel from an active involvement in God’s plan because it was formulated at a time when Israel was dispersed and Jerusalem was under Gentile control. Since this is no longer true, we must consider the Scriptures in the light of the reality of our day. As we do so, we begin to understand the perfect and beautiful relationship of believers to the Jewish people and become available to God in hastening His work through them.
Bible Survey Course
- Two year intensive study of the Scriptures
- Non-doctrinal approach to Scriptures
- Adult education format
- Study guides for the entire Bible
- Student notebooks supply a wealth of background material
- Word Studies in original language
- Video Teachings available on YouTube. CLICK HERE
Content Includes
Torah I & IIÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â New Testament Gospels
History I & II Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â New Testament Letters
Prophets I-IV
Supplemental Courses
We offer supplemental courses from time to time to enhance and augment our study of the scriptures. These have included:
– Beginning and Intermediate Hebrew
– Biblical Greek
– History of the Christian Church
– A Biblical Interpretation of World History
– Heaven: A Multi-Dimensional Space