Hebraic Roots
by Ken Garrison
In 1517, Martin Luther nailed his 95 Theses to the door of the Whittenburg Castle Church. God had given him a revelation of truth, and he boldly proclaimed it. In time, the truth of Justification by Faith became the cry of the Protestant Reformation, and, as followers of Messiah Jesus, we are all grateful for it.
But what if pagan Greek and Roman philosophical influences on the early church fathers had an even deeper effect on the doctrine and practice of the Roman Church than the reformers realized? Could it be that they carried these unbiblical presuppositions lock, stock and barrel into their version of the church?
Just like the content of Martin Luther’s Theses, the content of Hebraic Roots is radical, revolutionary, and based on a revelation of Biblical truth. Hebraic Roots shakes the foundations of the Orthodox, Fundamental and Pentecostal establishments. Like Luther’s Theses, it demands an honest hearing and promises to bring new life, stability and purpose to a 21st century church hungering for more of God.
Worship, What Have We Been Missing?
by James F. Wingerter
Before the Temple was built, King David set up a tabernacle in Jerusalem that did not contain the dividing curtain and all the other furnishings. David, and apparently all of Israel, freely worshipped before the physical presence of the Lord as He was manifested between the wings of the Cherubim above the Ark of the Covenant. Once Solomon built the Temple, all was as it had been in the wilderness. But there had been that prophetic glimpse of the intimacy Messiah Jesus would make possible and which the first century church enjoyed in abundance. Unfortunately, church history is clouded by religious practice supplanting true worship. Worship, What Have We Been Missing? separates religion from Biblical truth and takes a serious look at scriptures that have long been misinterpreted. It sheds new light on intimacy in worship, the function of “the Body” and the greater goal of worship.
(CLICK TO ORDER – Available for purchase at amazon.com)
God’s Final Call
by Ken Garrison
“God’s Final Call?” examines God’s initial covenant with His chosen people, the Jews, in light of His covenant with David and, through Messiah Jesus, the Church. Has the latter covenant nullified the former or is the former still in force? Has Israel been regathered solely to give the Anti Christ somewhere to arise, or does God still have a purpose for His people? What do the Holy Scriptures really say? This book seeks to awaken the sleeping church to the fact that God is once again working mightily through His ancient covenant people. Its message is that believers in Messiah Jesus must join forces with Israel to hasten the establishment of His reign on earth.
A Biblical Interpretation of World History
by Charles Scott Kimball
How does history work? Is it just a collection of names, places, and dates, or is there a formula for understanding an overall pattern? More importantly, do the events of history happen at random, or is there a guiding force behind them? You have probably heard theories of history that look for great men and women or underlying causes. Now we will look at the ultimate “big picture” and try to see the story of the world as God sees it.
More than ten years in the making, this text will look at the overlying trends to determine why major events happened in the past. Special attention will be given to these four trends:
• The spread of civilization across the world in one thousand-year steps.
• The most important attempts by man to build empires, from Babel to the great nations of today.
• The origins and development of Greek thought and philosophy, also known as “secular humanism.”
• The actions God has taken to intervene at key moments in history, both of a positive and negative nature.
After that we will look at why Israel has been restored as a nation in our lifetime after nearly twenty-six hundred years of exile among the nations and what could happen to us in the near future. So come along for a ride through the ages, taking a new look at the greatest story to be told, and you won’t think of history as a boring classroom lecture again. (CLICK TO ORDER – Available at Rose Dog Books)
Israel: God’s Interdimensional Portal
by Ken Garrison
“Israel: God’s Interdimensional Portal is an investigation of the Scriptures to understand Israel as the connection between the spiritual and the physical dimensions. Ready for digital download Kindle Edition.
(CLICK TO ORDER – Available at amazon.com)

Israel My Beloved (Album)
by Fellowship Ensemble
Our newest collection of original songs proclaiming God’s redemption through His people, Israel, and inspiring praise and worship.
(Click to listen on soundcloud.com – Israel My Beloved) or
(CLICK TO ORDER – Available at amazon.com)

Do You Believe (Album)
by James F. Wingerter
Original songs of praise and worship to the God of Abraham Isaac and Jacob; the Holy One of Israel. See more with this link:
(Click to listen on soundcloud.com – Do You Believe) or
(CLICK TO ORDER – Available at amazon.com)

Intimate Worship (Album)
by James F. Wingerter
“Intimate Worship” is an album of songs designed to complement the book “Worship, What Have We Been Missing?” by James F. Wingerter. The music, lyrics and order of the songs are designed to enable worship which may arise by following the form identified in the book. The listener need only get comfortable with the songs and then sing along with them, making the lyrics their own sincere utterance before the LORD to facilitate this amazing experience.
(Click to listen on soundcloud.com – Intimate Worship) or (CLICK TO ORDER – Available at amazon.com)